Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Door of Hope

“A Door of Hope In the Valley of Achor”

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and
speak comfortably unto her. And I will give her her vineyards from thence
and the valley of Achor for a door of hope—and she shall sing there, as in
the days of her youth and as in the day when she came up out of the land of
Hosea 2:15
Rather than acting like some jilted human lover, our Lord pursues us
and seeks to transform us and our “impossible” situations.
The Valley of Achor.
The mere mention of this place outside of Jericho reminded Old
Testament Jews of a time of sorrow, not celebration—for this valley, whose
very name means “trouble,” was the place where Achan and his family were
stoned to death for their sins during the time of Joshua (Josh. 7:24, 26).
Yet, in today’s Manna we find Israel’s First Love saying “I will give you
the valley of Achor for a door of hope.”

There’s no doubt Israel, the chosen People of God, had greatly grieved
their Husband. She’d adopted the pagan customs of her neighbors and even
felt quite “spiritual” during her time of outward prosperity. But, such is
always the way with “sins of a season,” Pilgrim. The “new” seems more
appealing and rewarding; that’s why many a couple splits up after 20-25
years of marriage when one of the spouses finds someone more exciting and

But, such passionate pursuits are short-sighted and short-lived—always
ending in heartache and emptiness.
That’s why the Heavenly Father’s love is far greater than our love. .
.for He continues pursuing and pleading. . .knowing the day we’ll hopefully
come to our senses and say “I will go and return to my first Husband—for
then it was better than now” (Hos. 2:7).

Thankfully, like the prodigal son’s father (Lk. 15:11-24), He doesn’t
play hard-to-get or adopt a “Prove-it-to-me” attitude when we realize the
error of our ways. Instead, He gathers us into His loving arms, wiping away
the stench and filth of sin and restores us to right relationship with Him
(Lk. 15:20-24). Is not this the Gospel? Glory!!

And, then He says “I’ll give you the valley of Achor for a door of
hope—and you shall sing there, as in the days of your youth and as in the
day when you came up out of the land of Egypt.” Simply put, I’ll take those
painful memories of past wanderings and sinful rebellions and transform them
into remembrances of the time I reached down to you. . .someone who was
“Scattered, feeling Unpitied and a Nobody” (Hos. 1:3-9). . . and make you
whole, the recipient of compassionate grace and a Somebody/My chosen Bride
(Hos. 2:23). Hallelujah!!

Oh, dear Pilgrim, right now your Valley of Achor (or that of a loved
one) may remind you of nothing but death, desertion, devastation, etc. You
may find it hard to find any reason to rejoice, much less have hope. But,
do not give up, weary one; instead, look up to the One Who specializes in
“Wrecks Rebuilt” (Ps. 107:27-30; Joel 2:25-26; Rom. 8:28). Then, rest in
Him as He builds a “door of hope” there for you.

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