Monday, July 28, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (July 29); BP: Ps. 119:161-168; RBTTY: Romans 1; Ps.

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 19:38:28 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (July 29); BP: Ps. 119:161-168; RBTTY: Romans 1; Ps.


     Greetings once again in Jesus' Precious Name!  I do hope this finds you well and having been blessed by our Lord while I was out-of-pocket.  Many thanks to my brother, Lynn, for sending the "Morning Manna" out for me while I was gone.  May the Lord Jesus bless you in a beautiful way in the coming days.  God bless you.

   In Jesus' Precious Love,

   Bro. Tom


July 29                                                                                                                               “Hidden Treasure”


I rejoice at Your Word, as one that finds great spoil. . .Great peace have they who love Your Law—and nothing shall offend them.”

                                                                                                                                          Psalm 119:162, 165

     In Him we find eternal riches and a rejoicing that will last forever.

     When speaking to the multitudes, Jesus always spoke in parables (Mt. 13:34-35), which are “earthly stories with Heavenly meanings.”  In one He likened the Kingdom of Heaven to a man finding a hidden treasure in his field and how he “sold all he had so he could buy the field and make the treasure his own” (Mt. 13:44).


     Another time he compared the Kingdom to “a merchant man, seeking goodly (Grk. ‘kalos’—‘chief, extremely valuable, priceless, of infinite worth, etc.’) pearls, but one day found one pearl of great price and went, sold all that he had and bought it” (Mt. 13:45-46). 


     In both instances, the emphasis is upon how priceless God’s Kingdom life is in comparison to what the world has to offer.  And, in reality, that’s exactly what the author of today’s Manna was saying as he “rejoiced over God’s Word, even as one that finds great spoil.”  Or, another way to put it, his joy came when He sat down and meditated upon the Lord’s “Blessed Bounty.”  Hallelujah!!


     All around us today is nothing but “bad news.”  The economy’s the pits.  The weather’s foreboding.  The threat of terrorism is ever-present.  Relationships are fickle and fractured in this “It’s every man for himself” and “Survival of the fitness” world of ours.


     That’s why we must find our comfort and security in God’s Word—for only in it/Him do we find “great peace that comes to those who love His Law/Him.”  And, even though others may fail or disappoint us. . .leaving us reeling and almost down for the count. . . like the Phoenix from the ashes, we arise and say “I know in Whom I have believed—and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against that Day” (II Tim. 1:12).


     Only those who’ve “kept His Testimonies” know how precious God’s promises really are.  Only those whose “delight is in the Law of the Lord and in that Law he meditates day and night” (Ps. 1:2) can say “I love them exceedingly.”  And, only those who’ve spent time in secret, as the preacher of yore once said, “In a nook by the brook with the Book” can say “my heart stands in awe of Your Word” (v.161).


     All others will find God’s Word hard to understanding.  They’ll get hung up on all of the “begets”. . .who Cain married. . .Old Testament dietary laws. . .trying to decide if God meant six literal days or not when He created everything that is, etc., and miss the “eternal essence” and wondrous beauty of His Word.  That’s why we must daily “keep His Precepts and Testimonies ever before us” (v.168)—for only then can we rest assured we’re walking in His Will and according to His Word.

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