Sunday, July 20, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna July 20-BP: Ps. 119:89-96; RBTTY: Acts 22; Ps. 26-28

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: "Smith, Lynn " <lsmith20@Central.UH.EDU>
Sent: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 07:18:41 -0500
To: "Smith, Lynn " <lsmith20@Central.UH.EDU>
Subject: Morning Manna July 20-BP: Ps. 119:89-96; RBTTY: Acts 22; Ps. 26-28

July 20                                                                                                “His Settled Word”


“Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in Heaven.  Your faithfulness is unto all generations; You have established the earth and it abides.”

                                                                                                               Psalm 119:89-90

     Because it’s settled, we should be too.

     We seldom sing or hear songs like “How Firm A Foundation” or “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” anymore.  While modern-day praise choruses are well-and-good, they lack the depth of passion and message those hymns of old revealed.  Even so, we should sing them all and not criticize those who prefer others over ours.


     Much better is our “staying focused, faithful and standing firm” on God’s Word.  As Warren Wiersbe once said, “You look at others, you get distressed.  You look at yourself, you get depressed.  But, when you look to Jesus, you get blessed.”  Hallelujah!!


     The psalmist knew affliction.  He knew “the proud man’s reproaches and derision of him” (vv.42, 51) and their “forsaking of God’s law” (v.53).  He knew how they’d “robbed him” (v.61a) of his joy and peace-of-mind as they “forged lies against him” (v.69a).  He knew they’d “dealt perversely with him without a cause” (v.78a) and “dug pits for him” (v.85) as they “lay in wait to destroy him” (v.95a).


     But, like Job—and later Jesus, the “Promised and Anointed One from God”—he also knew the importance of remembering the faithfulness of God and His unfailing Word.  That’s why he could write, “Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled (Heb. ‘natsab’—‘to station, remain upright, a pillar, established, set up, etc.’) in Heaven” and “Your faithfulness is unto all generations.”  Glory!!


     This will not happen, Pilgrim, until His Word is settled in our hearts.  It’s one thing to be “settled in Heaven;” it’s another thing for it to be firmly rooted and unwavering in our hearts. 


     Oh, how the devil’s doubts will assail our mind when “trials and troubles” come.  He’ll whisper, “Ooooooooo, God has forgotten and forsaken you.  He’s out to get you.  Who are you to call on His Name?  Give it up—it’s no use.  Give in, Pilgrim, you miserable excuse of a Christian and contradiction of flesh and weak faith.”


     But, do not listen to this demon from hell, weary one.

    He’s the sworn enemy of our Lord and will do all he can do discourage, disillusion, and depress you so he can disarm and disable you since he can’t destroy you because of Jesus’ atoning blood.  In so doing, you’re no longer a threat to him and he can move on to someone else.

     But, do not listen.  Instead of giving up, look up—yea, “Look and live—look to Jesus now and live” (Num. 21:8b).  The same One Who “established the earth and it abides forever” is the same One Who’ll establish you, dear Pilgrim.  Cease from your doubts and fears.  “His Word is settled”—and so shall you be as you trust in Him.






Mr. Lynn M. Smith

Department Business Administrator

Department of Economics

University of Houston

204C McElhinney Hall

Houston, TX 77204-5019

(713) 743-3802 (office)

(713) 743-3798 (fax) (email) (department website)




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