Tuesday, May 20, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (May 21); BP: Ps. 16; RBTTY: Jn. 7:1-27; I Chron.

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <pressingon@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tue, 20 May 2008 16:51:48 -0500
To: <pressingon@hotmail.com>
Subject: Morning Manna (May 21); BP: Ps. 16; RBTTY: Jn. 7:1-27; I Chron.

May 21                                                                                                                    “On Resting In Hope”


“I have set the Lord always before me—because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.  Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoices.  My flesh also shall rest in hope.”

                                                                                                                                                    Psalm 16:8-9

     In Christ, it’s never the cavalry to the rescue; it’s Calvary.

     Everyone loves a dramatic rescue and happy ending. . .whether it be a fireman crashing into a burning room and rescuing a tiny child or small dog. . .a policeman freeing a hostage from his kidnapper. . .or troops braving heavy fire to rescue some fellow soldiers from their downed helicopter behind enemy lines.


     P.O.W.s who’ve safely returned home after several years in captivity have all said the one thing that kept them going was knowing that they weren’t forgotten and the hope that one day they’d be rescued.  Even though none of us reading these words are captives in an enemy’s cell, we still inwardly long for the someone to come to our rescue—to free us from self and sin.


     And, Pilgrim, we know who that Someone is, don’t we?

     Yes, it’s Jesus the Christ. . .the sinless Son of God. . .Who gave His life in our place on the Cross. . .Who conquered death and the grave and is even now praying for us in Heaven. . .and Who one day is coming back to take us Home to be with Him.  Hallelujah!!


     The question is:

     “Am I resting in hope??”

     No one needs to tell us the world is getting more evil with each passing day.  No one needs to remind us that there are more than enough reasons to fear and live in constant despair.  No one needs to tell us about broken relationships. . .that these are the last days and “beginning of sorrows” (Mt. 24:8; II Tim. 3:1-9, 12-13; II Pet. 1:1-3:7), etc.


     That’s why we must constantly remind ourselves with the Spirit’s aid to “rest in hope.”

     David knew the importance of that—especially when it seemed “no one cared for his soul” (Ps. 142:4b).  He knew that “soul/self talk” is important when others forget or refuse to offer us words of encouragement (I Sam. 30:6).


     Therefore, we should “always set the Lord before us”—i.e., remind ourselves that His Presence and Promises never fail.  Even though others may forget or forsake us, He never will.  And, because “He is at my right hand. . .guiding my steps and giving me strength . . .“I shall not be moved (Heb. ‘mowt’—‘to waver, slip, shake, fall, etc.’).”


     Knowing this will cause our “hearts to be glad, our glory to rejoice and our flesh to rest (Heb. ‘shakan’—‘to reside or lodge, dwell permanently, abide, continue in, etc.’) in hope.”  Is not this a firm mattress, Pilgrim?  Is not this a “sure and steadfast Anchor” (Heb. 6:17-20)?  May the Spirit help us today to “rest in hope” and to tell others how they can as well.

as well

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