Monday, May 19, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (May 20); BP: Is. 40:12-31; RBTTY: Jn. 6:45-71; I

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Mon, 19 May 2008 16:22:42 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (May 20); BP: Is. 40:12-31; RBTTY: Jn. 6:45-71; I

May 20                                                                                                                               “Help Me, Lord”


“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not weary—and they shall walk and not faint.”

                                                                                                                                                     Isaiah 40:31

     Surrender and soaring. . .waiting and winging. . .the secret of renewal in Him.

     How’s your “wait-training,” Pilgrim?

     What’s that?  Can’t hear you.

     Oh, about like your weight training, huh?  Virtually non-existent?  No problem; there’s no better time than right now to begin learning how to “wait upon the Lord.”


     Waiting is not something we do very well. . .whether it’s standing in line. . .driving in traffic. . .trying to get in touch with a human being instead of some automated computer answering machine when we’ve got a problem with something, etc.


     No, we don’t wait very well.

     And, when we do, we wait impatiently:  Strumming our fingers in a staccato fashion as our blood pressure gets higher by the minute.  Reading 10 magazines while we sit in a crowded doctor’s waiting room 1 ½ hours after our scheduled appointment.  Frantically weaving through traffic and getting enraged over the “crazies” on the road, only to find the one we were to meet had forgotten our appointment or was delayed.


     No, we don’t wait very well.

     And, we certainly don’t “mount up with wings as eagles;” in fact, too often, we more resemble buzzards on the side of the road or seed-picking sparrows on a sidewalk.  We know little or nothing about gliding effortlessly on the Spirit’s wind-currents; we’re much more adept at wallowing around in “horrible pits and miry clay” (Is. 40:1-2).


     But, we know the Lord has more for us; the problem is experiencing it.

     So, could you help us, Lord, to know how to “wait upon You so we can have our strength renewed”?

     What’s that?

     You are trying to help us and that’s why You’ve allowed us to be in the pressure-packed situation we’re in right now?  You’re wanting to teach us how to rest in You in the midst of our problems and even learn how to give thanks when we’d rather be complaining?



     This “wait-training’s” not too easy. . .or painless, is it, Lord?

     I thought that’s what You’d say.

     “Dear Father, You know me inside out.  You know my compulsive/impulsive ways… my sharp tongue and short temper. . .my frustrations, resentments and unforgiving heart.  Would You please forgive me right now and cleanse me?  And, would You renew my heart as You renew my strength?  You know how weak I am and how I yearn to run the race with patience.  Thanks, Lord.  Use me today as You see fit. I’m Yours.”

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