Wednesday, June 20, 2007

FWD: Morning Manna June 21: BP: Ps. 40; RBTTY: Acts 5:22-42;

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn Smith <>
Sent: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:01:37 -0500
To: Recipient list suppressed:;
Subject: Morning Manna June 21: BP: Ps. 40; RBTTY: Acts 5:22-42;

June 21                                                                                                “Blessed Assurance”

“Blessed is that man that makes the Lord his trust and respects not the proud nor such as turn aside to lies.”
               Psalm 40:4
     Where we turn in time of need reveals what/whom we’re really trusting in.
     When you take a trip, do you have a “reserve stash” tucked away somewhere in your wallet or purse for any “unexpected” emergency?  If you’re like most folks, you probably do­for none of us like that feeling of being “unprepared.”
     However, even then there’s still that feeling of uneasiness that’ll arise within us if we don’t remember today’s Manna.  “Rainy day” cash reserves are well-and-good, but still subject to “rust, rot and robbers” (Mt. 6:19-20).  Likewise, stocks and bonds. . .houses and lands. . .good friends and family members, etc., may give us a sense of “security;” yet, even these won’t always be there when we need them­especially in “the dark night of the soul.”
     That’s why David wrote, “Blessed (Heb. ‘esher’­‘happiness, to be straight, level, content, peaceful, etc.’) is that man that makes the Lord his trust (Heb. ‘mibtach’­‘refuge, security, assurance, confident, hope, etc.’).”  He knew “flesh is fickle” and earthly “treasures tarnish,” leaving us in a lurch if they’re our source of assurance.
     Sure, it’s good to have a confidante to turn too when our burdens get heavy and we’re struggling to take another step.  How wonderful to feel a warm, fuzzy arm go round your shoulder or a warm, firm hand clasp yours when you’re feeling “down for the count” and about to wave the white flag of surrender.
     But, again, there’ll be times when no one’s around to offer a word of comfort and cheer.  What then?  Remember the One Who’s your “VERY PRESENT help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1).  Feel the comforting touch of the One Who promised “to never leave you or forsake you” (Heb. 13:5).  Lay your weary head in the strong arms of the One Who’ll always “keep you from falling” (Jude 24).
     Then, you’ll realize how blessed you are.  Suddenly, you’ll feel His peace rising up within you as you rest in His precious promises and sufficient grace.  Your loneliness and fears will begin vanishing as the warmth of His love rises within you.  Glory!!
     Dear Pilgrim, it also glorifies the Lord when we turn to Him first, not as a last resort.  How wonderful it is when we cry “Abba, Father” at the first sign of danger or distress, instead of picking up the phone to call a friend.  If it grieves us when our child is having a difficult time and we’re the last to know, how much more so the Heavenly Father, Who’s promised to supply all of our needs (Phil. 4:19).
     May the Holy Spirit help us today to grow in our trust of the Heavenly Father.  In so doing, we’ll also grow in our “blessedness,” knowing there’s never a time we’ll be alone and have to cry aloud, “Oh me, oh my, what am I going to do?!?”

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