Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Climate Legislation Passed in House, Thank You for Your Support

American Farmland Trust
New York Stationary

June 30, 2009

Passage of the House Climate Bill Could Be Enormous Boost to Conservation

Dear Agriculture,

Man On Hay Bale with Megaphone

Call your Representative while they are in their district office.

Download these talking points [PDF]

In a very close vote on Friday evening, the House of Representatives passed one of the most sweeping pieces of conservation legislation of the 21st Century. The landmark American Clean Energy and Security Act provides an enhanced role for agriculture to play in combating climate change. If enacted, the legislation will create new opportunities for American farmers and ranchers while dramatically improving the environment.

In a statement issued moments after the votes were counted, Jimmy Daukas, managing director of American Farmland Trust's Agriculture & Environment campaign, noted, “By taking this step forward in addressing climate change with agriculture’s participation, we will be able to recognize real conservation gains, new farm income and a new era of American farm ingenuity.”

You should be proud of the role you played as a member of our action network in helping this legislation in the House. We're grateful for all of your support, which has brought us this far. There is still more to do as the bill moves through the Senate. While it is still fresh in his or her mind, call you representative to say that you support legislation that supports agriculture’s role in combating climate change. 

Take time today while representatives are in their home offices to call and let your representative know that you support legislation that allows agriculture to fight climate change. 

Step 1: Find out if your representative voted in favor of the American Clean Energy and Security Act

Step 2: Download these talking points to help you craft your message[PDF]

Step 3: Call your representative in his or her district office 

The passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act was a significant step forward for U.S. agriculture's role in combating climate change and for the protection of the environment. Help carry the momentum for this landmark legislation by writing an opinion piece for your local newspaper. You can use our press releases for quotes about the American Clean Energy and Security Act's implications for U.S. agriculture.


Jimmy Daukas
Agriculture & Environment Campaign,
American Farmland Trust

© Copyright 2006, American Farmland Trust. All rights reserved.
1200 18th Street, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036

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