Thursday, September 4, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (Sept. 5); BP: Jer. 20; RBTTY: I Cor. 15:1-28; Ps.

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 16:39:42 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (Sept. 5); BP: Jer. 20; RBTTY: I Cor. 15:1-28; Ps.


   Just a quick word to say hello again and thanks for praying for us during Hurrican Gustav.  Thankfully, the storm had weakened by the time it reached our area, doing little damage and causing few deaths.  We see this as an answer to prayer, not an accident or coincidence.  I pray that the "God of the Sea and Lord of the Storm" will also keep your hearts calm in Christ Jesus this day  God bless you.

   In Jesus' Precious Love,

   Bro. Tom

P.S.  If you'd like a condensed version of that message ("God of the Sea and Lord of the Storm") in booklet form, please let me know and I'll be glad to send it to you as an e-mail attachment.  One copy is in simple text form and the other one is laid out in booklet form (back-to-back) where you could copy, collate and staple it for use as a witnessing handout.  Just let me know.  Thanks.


September 5                                                                                          “The Inextinguishable Fire of God”


“Then said I, ‘I will not make mention of Him nor speak anymore in His Name.’  But, His Word was in my heart as a burning fire, shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could not.”

                                                                                                                                                     Jeremiah 20:9

     Once it’s ignited, it can’t be extinguished, though it may grow dim at times.


     Created by God, this combination of an adequate supply of oxygen, combustible materials and a spark in a chemical reaction results in heat and light, which can be either constructive or destructive.  When harnessed or controlled properly, fire can cook food,  produce steam that drives turbines, generate electricity, provide light, help keep us warm, etc.  However, when left unchecked, it can wreck great havoc (e.g., forest fires) and destroy thousands of acres and homes.


     The fire Jeremiah describes in today’s Manna is not the above-described chemical oxidation of a fuel; it’s the inward, invisible inspiration of the Almighty that both captivates and animates.  Thus, we’d do well to see if we, too, have “a burning fire, shut up in our bones,” which is produced by the Indwelling Christ and His resurrection power.


     Again, we must remember that we’re “walking dead men/women/boys/girls” before Christ is born in our hearts (Eph. 2:1-3).  We may get excited over a sporting event. . . purchase of a new car or house. . .achievement of a certain goal, etc.; however, those “fires of enthusiasm” are still worldly and short-lived at best.  And, soon we’ll find ourselves looking for another “thrill” to fill the emptiness in our lives or quiet the noises in our hearts.


     True, Spirit-inspired “en-Theos-ism” (Godly enthusiasm) results when Truth and Praise combine, resulting in true worship (Jn. 4:23-24).  Our being rooted in God’s Word and inspired by His Spirit will produce “Christ-Combustion,” which is His “Divine Doxology,” where we sing, “Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above the Heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.” 


     In Jeremiah’s case, his countrymen’s refusal to hear and hear his message—combined with Pashur’s harsh treatment of him (20:1-6)—was seemingly more than he could take.  And, like Elijah, he found himself under his own, proverbial juniper tree (I Kings 19:1-4) wanting to resign, not re-sign.


     But, he couldn’t—for he had a “burning in his bones”—and he knew he could never be satisfied doing anything other than what Almighty God had called him to do.  And, dear Pilgrim, the same’s true today  How tempting it is to throw in the towel or wave the white flag when others oppose us or it seems like God has forgotten or forsaken us.  But, do not give in to those devilish ploys, Pilgrim:  “Stay focused, stay faithful and stand firm.”  God’s not through with you yet.  Press on (Phil. 3:10-14; Heb. 12:1-2).


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