Saturday, April 5, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (Apr. 5); BP: Lk.12:22-34; RBTTY: Lk. 8:26-56; I

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 20:42:37 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (Apr. 5); BP: Lk.12:22-34; RBTTY: Lk. 8:26-56; I

April 5                                                                                                                            “First Things First”


“And seek not what you shall eat or what you shall drink, neither be of doubtful mind—for all these things do the nations of the world seek after and your Father knows that you have need of these things.  But, rather, seek the Kingdom of God—and all of these things shall be added unto you.”

                                                                                                                                                 Luke 12:29-31

     Unless our priority is right, our purpose, passion and pursuit will be wrong.

     After telling the “Parable of the Foolish Farmer” (vv.16-21), Jesus began teaching them (and us) what it means to live in “The Kingdom of God.”  Again, this was “new” to them, for the mere word “kingdom” conjured up images of an earthly king, throne, armies, domination, etc., even as it does today.


     No doubt they had puzzled looks on their faces as He said, “Take no thought (Grk. ‘merimnao’—‘don’t be anxious, worried, be full of care over, distracted, etc.’) for your life, what you shall eat, or for the body and what you’ll put on” (v.22; Phil. 4:6).  He then sounded almost philosophical as He said, “The life is more than food and the body is more than clothing” (v.23).


     But, then, He pointed them upward to some ravens flying overhead or sitting in the top of a nearby tree and said, “Look at them—they don’t sow or reap. . .have storehouses or barns in which to keep their food... yet God feeds them.  Aren’t you worth much more than these?” (v.24).  And, then He reminded them that worrying won’t make us taller (v.25) and we should be like the “lilies of the field, which toil not or spin—yet are more beautifully clothed than King Solomon” (v.27).


     Our Lord then said, “If God clothes the grass, which is here today and gone tomorrow, which He not also clothe you, O you of little faith” (v.28)?  And, it was at this point He interjected today’s Manna and said, “But seek (first) the Kingdom of God—and all these things shall be added upon you” (cf. Mt. 6:33).


     Our natural minds cannot comprehend all of this (I Cor. 2:14), for we’re much more adept at fending for ourselves and “saving for a rainy day.”  Likewise, we know it’s a cold, cruel world out there and we’re all a part of life’s “Survivor Series,” where it’s “every man for himself.”


     That’s why we have difficulty understanding and embracing Jesus’ words.  Does that mean we should simply sit back, do nothing and say, “Well, the Lord said He’d take care of me”?  A thousand times no—for even the sparrow can’t sit around singing on a limb all day; he has to get down and scratch around in the dirt if he’s going to eat!


     But, when it’s all said and done, in our “Kingdom partnership” (I Cor. 3:9) we must rest in the assurance that our Heavenly Father knows our needs and will supply them (Phil. 4:19).  And, it’s our “seeking first Him and His Kingdom-life” (the right Priority) that ensures our right Purpose, Passion and Pursuit.  May the Holy Spirit help us to rest in Him today as we hum, “His Eye Is On the Sparrow.”  Amen and amen.



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