Friday, April 11, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (Apr. 12); BP: Ps. 40; RBTTY: Lk. 11:29-54; I Sam.

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 17:18:08 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (Apr. 12); BP: Ps. 40; RBTTY: Lk. 11:29-54; I Sam.


     This will be the last "Morning Manna" I'll be sending you until I return from my deployment from Germany in mid-May.  As I mentioned a few days ago, my brother, Lynn, will be sending them out for me while I'm gone.  I've already sent them to him and appreciate his doing this for me.  I pray the Lord Jesus will continue to bless you.  Take care--and stay focused and faithful.

     In Jesus' Precious Love,

     Bro. Tom



April 12                                                                                       “The Dungeon of Doubt and Depression”


“I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined unto me and heard my cry.  He brought me up also out of a horrible pit—out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.  And He has put a new song in my mouth—even a song of praise unto our God; many shall see it and fear and shall trust in the Lord.”

                                                                                                                                                     Psalm 40:1-3

     When we’re “down,” His everlasting arms are still underneath (Dt. 33:27) and will bring us up.

     Doubt and depression.

     These two “melancholy mist twins” are never far from each other—for one (doubt) leaves us unsure and unstable while the other (depression) seeks to leave us down-and-out.  Usually, the one suffering from them doesn’t really like their presence, but feels powerless to evict them.


     Although we would imagine the “pit” David’s describing was a figurative one, it’s possible he fell into an actual one while fleeing from King Saul’s wrath.  Regardless, he described it as “a horrible (Heb. ‘sha’own’—‘uproar, destruction, rushing noise, tumult, etc.’)pit, filled with sticky, miry clay.”


     Even now we can almost picture him struggling in the pit:

     The miry clay clinging to his feet, sucking him further down with each step. . .his muscles growing wearier by the minute as he struggles to be free. . .the weariness of exhaustion taking its toll on him physically and emotionally. . .the onslaught of doubt and fear settling in upon him as all hope of ever being free begins to vanish.


     But, then Help shows up.

     Suddenly, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph shows up, “plucking his feet out of the miry clay and then setting his feet upon a rock.”  Glory!!  Isn’t this a wonderful picture, Pilgrim?  And, can’t our God still do the same thing today?


     Assuredly He can—and will.

     There are times when we all get “down,” just like David.  Our “pit” may be the result of failing health or mounting bills. . .broken relationships or broken hearts. . .dashed dreams or repeated disappointments.  But, the end-result is always the same:


     Down-and-out.  Physically and spiritually lethargic.  Emotionally drained.

     Such is always the quest of Doubt and its cousin, Depression.  But, again, the same God Who delivered David is the same One Who’ll deliver us.  With tender hands He “inclines His ear unto us, hears our cry and comes to our rescue.”  He then “establishes our goings,” which simply means He sets us in the right direction and promises to guide our steps (Prov. 3:5-6).


     Then, if that weren’t enough, He “puts a new song in our mouth—even a song of praise.”  Hallelujah!!  It might be “I’ve Found A Friend, O Such A Friend” or “From Sinking Sand He Lifted Me,” but the theme is always the same:  God’s Reception. . . Our Rescue. . .and Our Rejoicing.  Why not pause and give Him thanks right now? 

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