Monday, March 24, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (Mar. 25); BP: Lk. 24:13-32; RBTTY: Lk. 2:25-52;

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:27:43 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (Mar. 25); BP: Lk. 24:13-32; RBTTY: Lk. 2:25-52;

March 25                                                                                                                 “Why Are You So Sad?”


“And He said unto them, ‘What manner of communications are these that you have one to another, as you walk and are sad’?”

                                                                                                                                                       Luke 24:17

     How it grieves Him when we walk and talk as one who’s lost his best friend or live as some homeless, abandoned orphan.

     It’s impossible for us to know the look in Jesus’ eyes that day when He drew near to the two disciples headed home toward Emmaus.  Likewise, it’s impossible to know if his tone of voice was a sorrowful one. . .an exasperated one. . .or a subdued, yet joyful one when He asked today’s Manna of them.


     Regardless, it’s clear Jesus met them where they were and allowed them to share their mournful story (vv.18-24) before saying, “Well, let Me say a word or two” (vv.25-28).  His calling them “fools (Grk. ‘anoetos’—‘unintelligent, dim-witted, failing to comprehend or perceive, etc.’) and slow of heart to believe” (v.25) shouldn’t necessarily be taken as a stern rebuke; instead, it could have been said with a sense of perplexity that said “You still haven’t gotten it, have you??”


     Oh, dear Pilgrim, aren’t we so often just like these two spiritually blind, “dufus-disciples,” whose lack of faith blinds us to the reality of Jesus’ resurrection Presence with us?  Aren’t there times when we mope around. . .just like them. . .wringing our hands. . . sighing instead of singing. . .mournfully crying, “Oh, me, oh my—what am I going to do?  Isn’t the world getting more evil by the day?  And, look at the price of gasoline and the increase of terrorism and the likelihood of my getting cancer and. . . and. . .and . . .”


     No wonder He comes to us and asks, “Why are you so sad?” and then adds, “O dim-witted disciple and slow of heart to believe.”

     Thankfully, He doesn’t say, “Well, good luck.  I’ve done all I can to help you believe, but you still don’t get it.  I mean, I spent a little over three years teaching you by precept and example eternal truths—but, look at you:  Walking and talking so sad! Give Me a call when you finally get it figured out.”  Instead, He patiently listens and then says, “Why not be still and listen a while while I open God’s Word to you?”


     How wonderful to know the Lord Jesus never gives up on us and longs to transform our blinded eyes into burning hearts (vv.16, 32)!  Hallelujah!!  And, how wonderful to know He still can quicken our spirit through the Word and transform us into eager evangelists of His Resurrection Presence (v.33-35). 


     May the Holy Spirit help us today to heartily sing “I serve a Risen Savior, He’s in the world today.  I know that He is living, whatever men may say.  I see His Hand of mercy, I hear His Voice of cheer.  And, just the time I need Him, He’s always near.  He lives!  He lives!  Christ Jesus lives today.  He walks with me and talks with me, along life’s narrow way.  He lives!  He lives!  Salvation to impart.  You ask me how I know He lives:  He lives within my heart!!”  Then, may we find someone else who is “so sad” and tell them how Jesus can make them so glad.  Amen and amen.

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