Thursday, March 20, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (Mar. 21); BP: Lk. 23:26-49; RBTTY: Lk. 1:21-38;

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:56:49 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (Mar. 21); BP: Lk. 23:26-49; RBTTY: Lk. 1:21-38;

March 21                                                                                                             “Father, Forgive Them”


“Then said Jesus, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’. . .”

                                                                                                                                                 Luke 23:34a

     No greater words were ever spoken and no greater prayer was ever prayed.

     Father, forgive them.”

     As we ponder today’s Manna on this day often called “Good Friday” or “Black Friday,” we find it both haunting and intriguing.  How could Jesus. . .after all He’d been through. . .the betrayals by Judas, Simon Peter and the rest of the disciples. . .the false accusations and severe beatings. . .the cries of “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” from the lips of those who’d just a few days before cried “Hosanna!  Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!”. . .still pray, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”??



     Did they not know what they’d done?  Did they not realize they’d condemned an innocent man to death?  Pilate knew (Jn. 18:38).  Judas knew (Mt. 27:4).  Peter knew—and knew he’d never forget Jesus’ look and the rooster’s crow that night in the courtyard (Lk. 22:60-62).


     And, we know, too, don’t we Pilgrim?

     Assuredly we do.

     We also know that our attempts to erase the guilt of His dying in our place cannot occur through our repeated benevolent acts. . .sacrificial deeds. . .offerings to the poor, etc.  Like Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play, we cry “Out damned spot” to our sin and guilt, but it remains. . .haunting and taunting us. . .UNTIL we run to the Christ on the Cross and hear Him say:


     “Father, forgive them—for they know not what they do. . .”



     Oh, dear Pilgrim, they knew what they were doing, even as we do.  But, they didn’t know Who He was/is—the sinless Son of God—or else they wouldn’t have done it.  How thankful He knew/knows who/what we are from our mother’s womb and still loves us. . . and willingly forgives us. . .transforms us. . .and intercedes for us (Rom. 8:31-34).


     Is not this the Gospel?



     Does knowing this do anything to us?  Does its overwhelming message of redeeming grace transform us, causing us to cry, “Oh, thank you, Father, for loving me so!  Thank you for forgiving me of all my sins.  Here is my life to use as You see fit”?


     If so, praise His Holy Name!  May it also cause us to “forgive others as He has forgiven us”—for only in so doing can we rest assured that we are forgiven (Mt. 6:14-15).  May the Holy Spirit help us to share this Manna today with someone who hears the Law more than grace (Dt. 27:25; Lk. 22:31-32) and yearns for the Lord’s forgiveness.

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