Thursday, December 18, 2008

Farms and Farmland Sustain America

American Farmland Trust

Dear Agriculture,

Farmers in swiss chard field

Now, more than ever, we must look to our farms and ranches to help sustain America.

Small deeds can make a big difference. And we want to thank all of you for taking steps over the past year to help protect America’s farmland and keep our farms healthy and thriving. 

This holiday season, we are reminded that working lands have helped sustain our country through many challenges—and through more difficult times than this one—and they will continue do so into the future. But only if we work to protect them.      

And together we can. Thanks to a commitment from our board of directors to give or help raise up to $250,000 in matching funds, your gift to help protect America’s farmland will go twice as far.

In previous periods of economic expansion, it was too easy for many in America to take farms and farmland for granted. Too often our farmland was viewed as an expendable and easily developed resource, rather than as the life-sustaining heart of our culture and our country. But as pressures on farmland mounted, supporters of American Farmland Trust—like you and many others—acted with great foresight to help bring about federal policy reform, stronger farming communities, new inroads for conservation and local food, and more than two million acres protected from development—forever.

In 2009, we have an ambitious agenda to fight for our working lands and elevate the nation’s view of agriculture so that farms and ranches are recognized and supported for the tremendous value they provide. Your gift today will help us achieve success in 2009!

Success in 2009 will mean:

An increased number of farms thriving and providing fresh food for nearby communities.

Expanded farmland protection measures in more states, counties and towns.

Farmers rewarded for their role as land stewards and for their conservation practices.

Greater consumer awareness of the importance of farms to our nation’s survival: “No Farms, No Food.”

As the year draws to a close, and everyone is feeling the pinch of turbulent times, please remember that many small deeds—combined together—have made our successes possible, and your deeds alone can make a big difference. Any amount you can give this year will help bring about the change we need. Together we can make twice the difference! Thanks to a matching grant from AFT’s board of directors, every penny you give from now until January 19th will be doubled!

Wishing you a safe and warm holiday season from all of us at American Farmland Trust.

Jon Scholl Signature Transparent
Jon Scholl
American Farmland Trust

© Copyright 2006, American Farmland Trust. All rights reserved.
1200 18th Street, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036

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