Saturday, February 9, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (Feb. 9); BP: Mt. 6:5-15; RBTTY: Mt. 25:1-30; Lev. 6-7

Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 14:59:47 -0600
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (Feb. 9); BP: Mt. 6:5-15; RBTTY: Mt. 25:1-30; Lev. 6-7

February 9                                                                                                              “Thy Kingdom Come”


“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done—on earth, as it is in Heaven.”

                                                                                                                                               Matthew 6:10

     We shouldn’t pray this way if we don’t mean it.

     No doubt Jesus’ disciples interpreted this portion of Jesus’ instructional prayer a bit differently than He meant it that day.  Rome had had an iron grip on the known world for quite some time and the Jews chaffed under their rule and longed to be free of them.  In fact, for some time a radical band of dissidents under the leadership of the Maccabees’ family had been trying to overthrow them for some time by Jesus’ day.


     Likewise, the Jews had been praying for hundreds of years for the coming Messiah, whom they believed would free them from the tyrannical reign of their enemies.  Thus, we’re safe in assuming they envisioned today’s Manna as more of a literal one than a spiritual one.


     Simply put, they were wanting an earthly kingdom, not a spiritual one.

     But, that’s not what Jesus had in mind, is it?

     Not hardly—not anymore than He wants us to engage in “turf warfare” with other churches or denominations.  Assuredly, He wants churches to be based on His Word and operating in the way He prescribes; however, it’s doubtful that He ever wanted us to become more of an organization than an organism. . .and institution instead of an inclusive, caring community. . .and, as someone said, “A hotel for saints instead of a hospital for sinners.”


     No, that day when Jesus said, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done—on earth, as it is in Heaven,” He had something completely different in mind.

     God’s “Kingdom reign” was not a new concept.  Throughout the Old Testament we read about His desire to be #1 in the people’s hearts and minds (Ex. 20:1-6; Dt. 6:4-5).  Likewise, His original design for Israel was a theocracy—i.e., a “God-reign”—not a monarchy or democracy.


     But, it didn’t remain that way, did it?

     No, the people weren’t content with remaining under the God of Abraham’s rule, but wanted to be “like all the nations, having a king ruling over them, who’d lead them into battle” (I Sam. 9:10-22).  And, the Lord allowed them to have them way and they chose Saul to be their first king (I Sam. 10:1ff)—which they later regretted.


     Thus, it’s clear Jesus’ including today’s Manna in His “Prayer Primer” had a different meaning than they thought.  His “Kingdom” meant the Heavenly Father’s conducting business from the throne-room of our hearts.  And, our praying “Thy will be done—on earth as it is in Heaven” means giving Him first place in our lives.


     Oh, dear Pilgrim, it’s easy to pray these words from rote memory and think nothing about them.  We simply recite them and then go merrily on our way; however, we’d do well to think twice about praying such a way. . .for the Heavenly Father takes such prayers seriously. . .and so should we.

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