Monday, January 7, 2008

FWD: Morning Manna (Jan. 8); BP: Heb. 12:1-4; RBTTY: Mt. 6:19-34; Gen.

 I hope all of you had a Great Christmas and New Years.  God Bless   I appreciate your prayers and you have mine
Samuel D. High


-----Original Message-----
From: Apostle Tom <>
Sent: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 15:23:14 -0600
To: <>
Subject: Morning Manna (Jan. 8); BP: Heb. 12:1-4; RBTTY: Mt. 6:19-34; Gen.
January 8                                                                                       "Looking Unto Jesus"
"Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith—Who, for the joy that was set before Him, endured the Cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
                                                                                                                                          Hebrews 12:2
      A transfixed look will lead to a transformed life.
     Today’s Manna talks about "faith’s fixation or focus." When the anonymous author wrote, "Looking unto Jesus," he wasn’t talking about a casual look or an occasional one. He was talking about a "lingering look" that so enthralls and captivates us that we can’t take our eyes off of Him!
     The Greek word "aphorao" is used here for "looking" and also means "to consider attentively, to stare at, discern clearly, an earnest and continued inspection of, etc." Thus, it’s the picture of a gemologist carefully examining a rare jewel, holding it up to the light to view its inner radiance and beauty. Or, it’s the picture of a connoisseur of rare artwork standing quietly in front of a masterpiece, drinking in all the rich hues and brushstrokes of the creator. Or, it’s the picture of two lovers, gazing steadfastly into each other’s eyes as their fingers tenderly trace the outline of the other’s face.
      Oh, dear Pilgrim, if we’d always remember this—i.e., to be "transformed by His Presence"—we’d certainly find ourselves with a lot less trouble and cares. Although we don’t know what color Jesus’ eyes were, we can well imagine they were dark like most Middle Easterner’s eyes are. And, we can certainly conclude that they were quite piercing—yet, at the same time quite soft and loving. . .except to the scribes and Pharisees, whom He referred to as "hypocrites, blind guides, fools, serpents and generation of vipers" (Mt. 23:13-36).
     Our Savior’s all-seeing eyes always know what’s in our hearts, don’t they, Pilgrim? Assuredly, He knew everything a person was thinking. . .all of his inward motives. . . desires and dreams, etc., as soon as He met him/her. And, the same is still true today.
      Is that unnerving? Or, is that comforting?
     Regardless, once we’ve "looked unto Jesus as the Author of our salvation," we should continue "looking unto Him as the Finisher (Grk. ‘teleiotes’—‘completer, consummator, consecrator, perfector, etc.’) of our salvation." Simply put, it is our first look that justifies—and it is our continuing look that sanctifies. And, one of these days it’ll be our ultimate look into His loving Face that glorifies. Hallelujah!!
     We know the world is growing increasingly evil, Pilgrim—if, for no other reason, simply because there are more people than ever before in it. Likewise, we know about unstable economies, global warming, new and exotic diseases, etc.
     The question is: "Upon what/whom are we focusing?"
     May the Holy Spirit help us today to train our eyes to constantly "look unto Jesus" in every situation. May we read the newspaper in one hand while holding God’s Word in the other. Only then can we insure our "looking" (focus) leads to life, not death.

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