Tuesday, March 27, 2007

For Him and By Him

“For Him and By Him”

“For it became Him, for Whom are all things and by Whom are all things, in
bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation
perfect through sufferings.”
Hebrews 2:10
In Him we’ll find all we’ll ever need—and more.
Anyone who’s ever pondered the great mysteries of the faith knows how
difficult this is. First of all, it’s impossible for our finite minds to
comprehend such infinite truths. Secondly, even when we’re able to catch a
glimpse of such glorious, eternal realities, words escape us, causing us to
catch our breath in hushed, reverent awe.

None of us can fathom the truth in today’s Manna about everything that
is being “for Him (God) and by Him.” We realize this means He is both the
“Recipient and the Reason. . .the Celebrant and the Cause. . .the
Beneficiary and the Benefactor, etc.” The Apostle Paul echoed this by
saying “Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:11). He also showed Christ’s
deity and preeminence in creation by restating the author of Hebrews' words
in Col. 1:16. To them he added in v.17, “And He is before all things and by
Him all things consist (Grk. ‘sunistao’—‘to set together, join together,
constitute, etc.’).”

Most likely, all of the above has left a somewhat puzzled look on your
face, for such truths are pretty abstract at best. Likewise, after
pondering them a while longer, it almost seems like the Heavenly Father is
pretty narcissistic if all things are “by Him and for Him.” However, when
we meditate further on these rich truths we suddenly realize these are some
of the most precious, spiritual “gems” we’ll ever encounter.

Think of it, Pilgrim:
All things are “for” Him—i.e., they exist for His glory as evidences of
His majesty, creative ability, love, etc. It matters not whether it’s
flowers and trees. . .birds and bees… the sun, moon and stars. . .or you and
me. . .we all exist to glorify our Creator.

Likewise, all things are “by” Him. Nothing exists apart from Him—and
pity the person who labels himself “self-made.” THAT is the epitome of
self-centered narcissism or idolatry! It’s only when we realize, as the
Apostle said, that it’s “IN HIM that we live and move and have our being”
(Acts 17:28). Hallelujah!!

Watchman Nee, the great Chinese preacher of another generation, summed
it up this way: “Christ, the Sum of All Spiritual Things.” Amen and amen!
Thus, when we realize He’s the Hub and we’re the wheel. . .He’s the Vine and
we’re the branch. . .He’s the Living Water and we’re the container/conduit,
etc., we know that we’re nothing—yea, a “Big Fat Zero”—apart from Him (Jn.

How wonderful to know that the Source, Sustainer and Savior of the
universe has seen fit to take up residence in the heart of those who receive
Him by faith. Only in Him do we find our reason for living and experience
“joy unspeakable and full of glory” (I Pet. 1:8). Only in Him.

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